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Whether it's flicking a light-switch a certain number of times, washing your hands in the right order, avoiding cracks on pavements, or my own personal favorite, making sure the volume on the TV is set to an even number, we all have those routines we stick to.


Some are stronger than others though, and in those compulsive times, why not let OCD Rabbit come to your aid?

Give it snuggles or even remove its brain and give it a good hard scrunching until your bug-bear passes.


The OCD Rabbit Set comes with...

๐Ÿง  A removable and enjoyably scrunchy brain.

๐Ÿ˜ท A removable face mask

๐Ÿ‘œ A sturdy tote bag measuring 36cm wide X 60cm tall

๐Ÿ“ OCD Rabbit measures 34.5cm from toes to tip of ears




 Regarding the design of our mental health-related Plushie Dreadfuls. We take the topics of mental health and mental health awareness seriously. That's why our design team only creates plushies related to mental health issues with which they have direct experience. In cases where our team does not have direct experience, we assemble an external team of experts to help guide our creative process. In addition, we use Crowd Design to engage a wide range of voices via platforms like Instagram and Facebook. We gather and respond to feedback from our audience - many of whom have direct experience with the mental health issues we're exploring. And while we strive to represent as many aspects of a particular mental health issue as possible while avoiding stereotypical symptoms, we hope you understand that plush toys as an artistic medium do limit the full expression of a particular issue to those things that can be crafted in fabric and stitching. 


OCD Rabbit is an exclusive product of Mysterious Design and only available at the Mysterious Shop. Beware of imitations and copycats

Plushie Dreadful - OCD Rabbit - Plush Stuffed Animal

SKU: plushie00205
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