The timid look on their faces when I tell them to lay down on the changing table and their facial expressions when I spread their legs, pull down their dirty diaper front, and giggle at their somehow always tiny wee-wee, while gagging on their pamper stink and making disgusted faces.
The sound of crotch snaps snapping on a cute baby blue onesie, snugly holding up a helpless diaper boy's saggy pamper.
The way diaper boys move their hips and try to hide their little moans and grunts when I pull their new pamper front tight and start fastening the tabs. And the whimper they make when I make sure their pee-pees are pointing snugly downward in their fresh diaper.
How they blush and look down or away when I ask them how their diaper is doing when we are out in public.
The way a diaper boy's eyes look when he looks up at me from the changing pad while I'm putting a paci in his mouth and patting his pamper.
When they stand perfectly still and try to act casual while | check their diapers and adjust the diaper in back, making sure to sniff.
Their reaction to the loud crinkle of their wet diaper or a butt pat when we are out in public
That blank "pee-pee" face boys make while doing a pee in their diaper and their happy relieved expressions afterwards.
How they can be so embarrassed but also so ready to put their old stinky pamper in the diaper pail like a good boy and the look on their face when I make them sniff it and then wave and say "bye-bye" to their poopy diaper before dropping it in the pail.
The sweet smell of lavender body lotion, baby powder, guy scent, and wet pamper.
12. How they give up all of their dignity and are totally humiliated and contrite but silently thankful for their babysitter and their clean soft pamper and safe crib at night.
That scared look in their eyes and their hands trying to cover up their pamps when I have a friend over and I'm babysitting a diaper boy loser.
The rush I get when a little one is almost asleep but wakes up because he realizes that his cold pamper is soaked and wants a diaper change right now. And the bigger rush I get from letting him wait in his soggy cold and eventually poopy pamper, crying like a real toddler, while I watch on the baby monitor and calmly sip tea.
I love how diaper boys on social media ask me to watch them while they poop in their pamper. Even though it's in private in a locked room and just for me and the camera, can sense their humiliation. It's hot when they stop suddenly after making grunting sounds. How they shift awkwardly and make the most adorable......scrunchy faces, knowing full well a woman on is watching them on a full length video camera zoomed in on their bulging pamper and blushy blank poopoo face. And then when they look so proud after and waddle over to show me the sag and want to be praised, I love telling them that I'm glad I can't smell their stanky loser butts and to get a life! Diaper boys are so needy!
I especially love when a cute diaper boy has had a laxative and then he is playing or watching television distractedly when, suddenly, he starts to fill his pamper without warning. I adore the loud sounds and his his face first expresses discomfort and then panic, as he starts to realize what is about to happen. So adorbs. But my fave thing is when they can feel themselves starting to poop their diaper, there is this cute blank face with fear building up, and an awareness that they are going to look so dumb helpless and are no match for the physical act and mess going on in their pamper.
I love it that these spoiled toddlers always want out of their wet and poopy diapers so they can go play or watch tv, only to complain and fuss when its diaper change time. I love teaching them that babies don't decide when they get a new pamper.
I love the small grunts and eye bulging expressions when I strap them down on the changing table and rub their pamper like a metronome, edging them with an unstoppable rhythm until I hear that special whine. Then I walk away, with a bored look,Follow as they get progressively more desperate.
The cute confused look and then gasping burst of energy when I give them a time limit to make diaper humpies. For example, twenty seconds on, ten seconds off, just to drive them crazy with frustration, till they almost make a sticky diaper. Then I make them beg and only then do allow one more twenty second session. Their eyes stare like the world is about to collapse in on them, their heads droop, they don't seem able to vocalize clearly, they whimper and quiver their lower body, trying to finish in their pamp, they stammer and force out words that don't mean anything just like the babies they are. And if they manage to get a release in time I make them yell "baby make goo-goo!" It's hilarious!
To see a sweaty panting diaper boy's face redden with humiliation as he senses he might not be able to make stickies in time with his lil wee-wee contained inside double dry stiff diapers, no matter how fast and hard he humps, but he just keeps trying until the timer goes off, and then he whines like then immature crybaby that all diaper boys are.
Seeing them trying to squat without being noticed (failing, of course). I imagine their humiliation and desperation as they realize they will soon be stuck in a poopy diaper. I find it fascinating, and I just get a nice rush seeing it. This is one of my faves for sure, and I have spoken with other ladies who also mentioned how nice it is to see a diaper boy squatting like the helpless immature toddler he is and trying to stifle his grunts and farts while making an invariably silly, cranky, and guilty non-noo face. Cute dianer auvs sauattina. makina dumb scrunchy poo-poo faces, their hands on their hips, their pamper starting to droop, is the stuff dreams are made of for this diaper boy fangirl:) I always wonder what goes through their mind in that moment.

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Wow I want experience this plz
I’m going to try this again I’m Robert an I’m not interested a mommy or anything like that I’m a gay little man I’m interested in a DADDY or a boyfriend .!!
I love it but I am a little baby girl and I am a lesbian and I am a trans person
I love that mommy loves this and embraces her love of it
I’m a ABDL gay little man
I love it
Me too.!!
Maman tu m’abandonnes