What's the difference between a Kink and a Fetish?
Is there one? Sure there is, and like all good things, we can use food to describe the difference!
What Is Kink?
Kink is like a plate full of many different amazing cookies! Some cookies are frosted or include nuts; others are fruit-filled or covered in sprinkles. You may be interested in sampling some or all cookies, even if it's just a nibble here and there, to see if it's the cookie you want or if you'd like to go back for a different cookie.
What About Fetishes?
The fetish plate of cookies is refined and specific. The fetish plate holds cookies such as fresh farm oatmeal, non-pesticide-grown raisin, gluten-free, no processed sugar, no nuts, no dairy, super-specific cookies. The specification is narrow and specific because the interest will only appeal to those who require their cookies to be that way. Not saying that you can only eat this cookie if you have gluten or nut allergies or implying that only those who like raisins will eat such cookies. However, fetishes are well defined, much like particular cookies you may regularly crave, because they fulfill your personal preference and checklist for a cookie.
Everyone has a perfect cookie. Some appeal more to broader cookie eaters, such as the tried and true chocolate chip or peanut butter cookie. However, some cookies are only nommed in private and on special occasions. Does that help?
"What if I don't like raisins but want to try the no dairy, no nuts version?"
That's a great question. You don't have to settle for any particular "cookie" because it's more available; you may need to find the "right recipe and bake your own."
Many people get hung up on labels or definitions, which can be a great way to help others recognize you and your cookie preference. The truth is your cookie is what you bake into it and holds your unique personality. Knowing your cookie preference is personalized to you means you don't need to search for validation if your cookie is the right one, but you may want to find others with an open mind willing to sample your cookie recipe and share theirs with you.
"What cookie do you think I am?"
Well, let's define the cookie labels better. For starters, a kink means the preference isn't considered typical or "vanilla." Kink also doesn't always have to be a sexual urge, need, or desire and doesn't define everyone participating. Similar to standing in a bakery waiting to select what to order and trying the samples. A fetish means it's very particular, necessary for sexual gratification, almost an urge you can't quite live without. You ever have that feeling if you don't have a weekly chocolate chip cookie fresh and warm out of the oven, you feel you might never be the same? Regarding kink and this feeling, you aren't alone!

So what about Diaper Cookies?
Ah yes, why you're here. ABDL stands for Adult Baby/Diaper Lover and is divided into two groups. Adult Baby simply means someone of an adult age (18+) who likes to role play and/or live as a baby, whereas a Diaper Lover enjoys wearing diapers for comfort and fun. You can be one, or the other, or both! Often people into ageplay go-between AB or DL based on how they feel and who they are spending time with. Ageplay is a fluid identity, much like other identities.Ageplay variations can include whether you live as a baby full time and incorporate it into your life as a lifestyle choice (referred to as 24/7). Participation in ABDL is an activity you may do for comfort, fun, or even as a special occasion. Ageplay is similar but not limited to Adult Babies. In reality, Ageplay is a broad term used for anyone who roleplays or likes a younger mindset for their playtimes and characters.A great way to explain the ABDL community is to say some ABDL cookies are frosted sugar cookies, and some are blue, where others are pink, and it doesn't matter which color icing you prefer; the cookies taste the same. It's entirely up to you if you would like to add edible sprinkles, decorate your cookie with lettered piping, or even make a cookie sammich of both colors. You decide what label or design fits your padded bottom.It's a big community cookie party. Not all ABDL's are the same. Does that make it a kink or a fetish? Yes. Depending on your personal choices.TLDR: Be the cookie, smell the cookie, share the cookie, eat the cookie. Don't like the cookie? That's ok! But gosh, now I want a cookie.
So, what's your favorite cookie recipe?
Diaper cookie