I like to wear a diaper, but I want it to stop, I want to dislike it, definitely stop, it's too hard, what should I do?
Let me assure you there is nothing wrong with you. You are a perfectly normal person. You have nothing to be ashamed of or afraid of. This is something that is buried very deep in your psyche and is very difficult to try and remove if at all. Do not think of yourself as a bad person you are not. This can also be difficult to understand without the right information. Please read the following it will help you a great deal.
Yes this is very much perfectly normal. This is about the Transitional Phenomenon and the Transitional Object Dr Donald W. Winnicott 1953 1986. This phenomenon is very well known by good child psychologists and certainly not something to be taken lightly. This is true well researched well documented information and published in several medical journals, and, is now being taught in Early Childhood Learning classes. All children experience this phenomenon with one object or another weather it is with a diaper blanket teddy bear or some other plushie.

Let me reassure you there is not anything wrong with you. Yes this is normal for some boys and girls to like diapers, though not as prevalent in girls.
Again this is quite normal and not anything to be ashamed of or afraid of. This is something however you should keep between you and you parents or spouse. Keep it private. ( This is not something bad. )
It is not wrong but there are a lot of ignorant uninformed people who will be very negative towards you for it, if they ever found out.
There is nothing that you should be afraid of. This is much more common than people realize.
This phenomenon happens to a child in infancy.
This is about the baby’s first personal possession the first comforting possession known as the Transitional Object that helps the child to console themselves during times of anxiety, when the mother is not there for the child, and is carried with the child all the way through adolescents. And yes a diaper can very normally be that first possession. Just as easily as a blanket or a teddy bear, etc. (This object is most always found to be something of a very soft texture). This is not something to be afraid of or ashamed of. Again you are perfectly normal.
It is not unusual but not something people know much about.
Do not condemn yourself for this. This is about the bond between the infant, child and adolescent and the mother that is crucial to good healthy development.
(This is not about regression.) (This is not Infantilism).